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Cultivate a Highly-skilled & Engaged Workforce

Effective leaders are the backbone of any successful organization. That’s why we offer a comprehensive range of courses and programs designed to empower leaders at all levels to thrive.


The LeadingBetter™ Model

Attract, retain, and engage your organization’s talent with high-impact, interactive learning experiences, tailored to fit your organization’s needs.

Leadership training carefully crafted and curated to address the needs of every leader.

High-impact, interactive learning experiences made just for your organization.

Ensure your next event is engaging and inspiring with a team of experienced presenters.


Rooted in the concept of servant leadership, LeadingBetter™ helps organizations create stronger leaders and higher-performing teams through exceptional training.  Our training courses are curated to deliver essential fundamentals and relevant insights to address the needs of today’s workforce – across all industries, sectors, and levels of experience.

Leadership Louisville Center members receive discounts on all courses.

Half-Day or  Full-Day Course                 Microlearning Course                Facilitated only at Leadership Louisville Center

Research now shows that female leaders naturally have more of the competencies required to be successful in the 21st century. This interactive workshop will explore how women leaders can recognize and nurture what are considered traditionally ‘feminine traits’ while also developing in areas where men are naturally stronger.



Coaching is a leadership competency that pays dividends but requires training, practice, and confidence. This course will increase coaching capacity through fuller emotional intelligence, a better understanding of your employees’ personal drivers, and tactics for working with them to deliver better performance and job satisfaction.


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Strong communication skills are vital for leaders to guide their teams, drive results, motivate individuals, and facilitate meaningful change. This interactive course is designed to enhance leaders’ confidence and proficiency in communication, enabling them to engage others effectively and achieve desired outcomes.


Communication can build team trust and commitment when done with purpose and intention. This interactive microlearning will boost your confidence and aptitude for communicating in a way that engages others and allows for a more productive environment. It will also kickstart a more long-term conversation for your team about what specific ways the organization can improve their communication.


Teams that excel in handling conflict are the highest performing, bringing strong results for organizations. However, toxic relationships or opposing views can seriously undermine team performance. This practical and engaging Talk will teach you essential skills for handling difficult conversations, even in high-emotion and high-stakes situations.


You recognize a high-performing team when you see one, but what enables their success isn’t always as clear. By understanding how to create and sustain high-performance teams while also developing the skills and confidence of each individual, you can unlock the full potential of your people and increase organizational effectiveness.


Developing the Leader Within YouBased on John Maxwell’s book originally published 25 years ago, Developing the Leader Within You covers essential leadership insights and practices that withstand the test of time, including: building trust through personal integrity, crucial problem-solving techniques, vision and goal-setting, and making positive change. Whether you are just beginning your leadership journey or simply investing in continued growth, we’ll show you that the position doesn’t make the leader – the leader makes the position.


The capacity to express your authentic views, negotiate what you want, showcase your business acumen, and share your ideas can accelerate both your career and your team’s growth. We examine why it can be hard to find your own voice and how you can challenge yourself and those you influence to amp up courage and confidence, overcoming the barriers to reaching your full potential.


Transitioning from leader of self to leader of people is a challenge. This Blanchard®. External Link. Opens in new window. course builds on the the best-selling book, The New One-Minute Manager®. External Link. Opens in new window.Designed for new leaders transitioning into management, it introduces concepts from the world’s most trained leadership model, SL II®.


Studies have shown that many of the behaviors that lead to individual success may be the very tendencies that limit potential. Based on the national bestseller What Got You Here Won’t Get You There, combined with principals of emotional intelligence and change management, participants will transition from “manager” to influential leader of others.


Gain insights into practical strategies for managing tasks, prioritizing based on importance, aligning tasks with goals and values, and optimizing productivity. Leave with a deeper understanding of how to effectively manage priorities and find fulfillment in your responsibilities as a leader.


High achievers take pride in producing excellent work, and past performance reviews reinforce the headline: You are a superstar. It should not surprise us, then, that managers struggle to hand over opportunities to take the winning shot. relearn behaviors with tools and skills that enable you to communicate needs, create environments of high challenge and high support, and build your reputation as a people developer.


One of the most important pieces of high-performing teams is the relationships between the people in them. There is no team without trust, and trust is built on a foundation of communication, common purpose, productive conflict, and collaboration.


Your network is your most valuable asset. It accelerates your ability to achieve more. Learning how to leverage social capital most efficiently is a multiplier. Participants will understand the difference between the depth and diversity of your network and the three distinct ways to use your connections to get things done.


Resilience is a critical skill that can help us face unpredictability and thrive through adversity. By sharpening our mindset, discernment, problem-solving, connection, creativity, and coping strategies we can transform our approach to life’s problems and keep moving forward.


Open enrollment courses

Fill training gaps and upskill your workforce with engaging and interactive courses.


Find the right fit for your organization.

Scaling leadership competencies for your company can be easily done. Contact us for a discovery session today.
