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Leadership Assessment

Which of the following applies to you?
Which of the following applies to you?
What is your biggest personal leadership concern today?
What is your biggest personal leadership concern today?
What are the biggest dysfunctions you recognize in your team?
What are the biggest dysfunctions you recognize in your team?
When a new leader at your company is promoted, they often struggle with:
When a new leader at your company is promoted, they often struggle with:
When priorities shift, your team reacts in this way:
When priorities shift, your team reacts in this way:
How does your team make decisions?
How does your team make decisions?
Communication in meetings typically looks like:
Communication in meetings typically looks like:
How would you describe your team's overall interactions?
How would you describe your team's overall interactions?
Does your team have a "have to" or "get to" mentality?
Does your team have a "have to" or "get to" mentality?
What are the top three leadership traits your team struggles to master?
What are the top three leadership traits your team struggles to master?
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